PicsRetouch Privacy Policy

We, at, are committed to protecting the rights to privacy of anybody coming to our website. Please note that this privacy policy applies to only and it does not apply to a website or resource that you visit using a link present on the website in question.

Do we collect information about you and your visit?

We do not collect information that can be used to identify you when you visit our website anonymously. We, however, gather data related to your visit to our website. Such non-personal data may include the browser name, the operating system and the type of device you use to visit our website.

We only collect personal identification information when you voluntarily submit the same while registering on our website, filling out an online form, commenting on a blog post or sending an email to us for inquiries or ordering a product or service that we feature on our website. Such personal data may include your name, country name and contact details.

Why and how do we collect Information about you and your visit?

The non-personal data that we collect when you interact with our website, anonymously or otherwise, can be used in a variety of ways to improve the user experience and the performance of our website. We also use Google Analytics to collect non-personal information via cookies, log files or other tracking technologies. These third parties may collect your device ID, IP address, browser or location to process and help us serve clients better.

The personal data that you might submit voluntarily at our website can be used to communicate with you and provide you with the finished goods in connection with the products and services that we intend to sell through our website.

How do we secure personal data?

We use reasonable, industry standard methods to safeguard the security of any information you share with us. We are committed to taking any steps that are necessary to protect personal data that you entrust with us. However, it is not technically possible to guarantee the safety of the same at all times because of the inherent security implications of providing information over the Internet. As a result, we will not be held responsible for any breach of security or disclosure of information unless we are found to be negligent.

Having said so, we ensure that all information will be obtained only with your consent and will be processed lawfully. Further, we will collect personal data only when necessary and in connection with a service being offered at and will retain the same with us for as long as we are in business relationship with the clients. We will also do our best to keep personal data secure against loss, damage, destruction or unauthorized use by a third party.

Do we share information collected about you or your visit?

We are committed to protecting the users’ right to privacy. We never use the personal and non-personal information that we have about you or your visit in a way that is considered infringement to the rights to privacy.

We do not indulge in any activity that involves selling, trading, renting or sharing of personal data about you. We may, however, share non-personal data about your visit to our website with a third-party company or a business partner. The sole purpose of doing this will be improvement in user experience and site performance.

Do we use web browser cookies?

A cookie is a small data file that is stored on your device when you visit a website that uses it. We may use cookies to collect non-personal data about your visit to our website. The use of cookies is limited to improving user experience and overall quality of the services being made available through the website. You can always set your browser to disable cookies.

How users can control data we have about them? complies with GDPR standards and practices. We respect the rights of data subject as laid out in GDPR and offer them a way to have control over the data we have about them. They can, for example, ask us to discontinue processing of their personal data and modify or delete a part or all of personal data we have about them. The data may include personal, such as name, country name and email address, as well as non-personal web data, such as cookies, IP address, browser and location. Users’ consent will be sought prior to sending email for marketing or business. We also ensure the confidentiality of personal data and never share the same to third parties unless as agreed upon or as necessary by law. Moreover, our clients can always ask us for the electronic copies of the personal data we have about them.

Will you be notified when this privacy policy changes?

The privacy policy at is subject to change and you may be notified about these changes as required by law. You are advised to visit this page from time to time to keep yourself updated with the changes in our privacy policy. For more information about our privacy policy, you are free to contact us by email