real estate photo retouching

Real Estate Photo Retouching

Helping agents sell real estate

A real estate buy and sell is an ongoing activity. The first thing that can attract a potential buyer is the image of the property that he or she is going to buy. As real estate photography needs a great amount of skill and experience, there is always a scope to enhance the picture your photographer has taken. This is where the idea of real estate retouching comes to play its role.

PicsRetouch offers an eclectic range of real estate services that include addition or removal of objects and people, enhancement of elements, object replacement, such as windows and TV image, and correction in photographic errors, such as color, exposure, lights and white balance. Besides, we also offer image manipulation services, such as sky replacement, lawn retouching, day to dusk transformation, and virtual staging.

Our professionals come from varied backgrounds with different areas of expertise. We can, thus, provide you with complete real estate retouching solutions that might include landscape editing, architectural manipulation and panoramic photo stitching. Our services also include grass enhancement, HDR processing and blending, perspective correction, shadow and highlight adjustment and property enhancement.

PicsRetouch Real Estate Photo Retouching - Service Highlights

image editing services
photo retouching services
real estate image editing
real estate photo editing
real estate retouching
real estate retouch

Our photo retouching specialists are aware of the different types of things that can help enhance the image of a real estate property. With our services, we are capable of turning any real estate photograph into a saleable commodity.

Main highlights of our services include lens distortion removal, panoramic photo stitching, HDR processing, image sharpening, exterior retouching, cord and items removal, dust and garbage editing and sky replacement. Besides, we can also straighten horizon, edit background, transform day to dusk, replace TV image, add fire to fireplace and adjust lights, exposure and white balance.

Exposure Correction

Sky Replacement

Color Correction

Background Editing

Window Replacement

Lawn Retouching

Straighten Horizon

Removal of Unwanted Elements

Perspective Correction

PicsRetouch Real Estate Photo Retouching Levels

Real estate image editing is a complex process and may go through different levels of processing. Our three levels of retouching process includes a wide spectrum of services in customized packages. These services include image cropping and resizing, exposure and perspective corrections, light and shadow adjustments, photo manipulation, stitching and HDR blending.

A real estate retoucher can also help remove dust, correct color and light, adjust brightness and contrast, remove lens distortion, edit backgrounds, join multiple photos, add or remove people or objects, and do a variety of other things to enhance the image and make it more appealing to a prospective buyer.

basic before
basic after

Basic Editing

Almost all real estate photographs need to be processed through the basic steps of cleaning and correcting errors. These may include but not limited to exposure correction, such as under and over exposure adjustment, noise reduction, color correction and balancing, perspective correction and scaling, straightening of horizon, image sharpening, depth and contrast adjustments, cropping, resizing and removal of dust, dirt, spots and lens glare.

A photographer may choose to work on Lightroom to fix most of the problems, but professional retouching can enhance the image quality quite significantly. It will become a breeze to straighten and crop, remove object, adjust tone, fix saturation and eliminate noise. Moreover, we can offer blemish removal, image sharpening, dust spot removal, indoor window replacement, artificial lighting correction, weather adjustment, wall and floor cleaning, and correction of errors in camera settings.

medium before
medium after

Medium Editing

Photo enhancement and manipulation can take a real estate retouching job to the next level. Prior to bringing any change in the image, we need to correct lens distortion, remove color cast and adjust white balance.

Panoramic photo stitching is often a requirement in the real estate industry as it helps a potential buyer get an overview of the property from many different angles. Advanced techniques, long experiences and sharp skills are needed to join multiple pictures and create a well blended panoramic image.

Still image enhancement, sky replacement, lawn & garden enhancement, day-to-dusk conversion and color enhancement are some other services provided at this level. Adding a blue sky, giving water a bluish hue, saturating green foliage, and adding fire to fire place are some usual color enhancement techniques.

advanced before
advanced after

Advanced Retouching

Showcase your properties in the best light. Real estate agents can take advantage of cutting-edge technologies to woo a prospective buyer. While drone image editing is a recent phenomenon, several others have become industry standards.

These may include HDR processing, 360 degree virtual tour, wide-angle panoramas, and high-end photo manipulation and enhancement. Adding virtual furniture, color tone matching, removal of unwanted objects and people, reflection removal, and highlighting and brightening shadows are among the techniques we use to give print-quality real estate retouching services.

Furthermore, we can replace an overcast, overexposed or washed-out sky, give attention to tiniest details, fill empty spaces, blend images with varying exposures into one photo, replace a window panes, add fire to fireplace, remove stains, fix burnt out lightbulbs, edit dust and garbage, and smoothen out carpets, curtains and bedcovers.

Outsourcing Real Estate Retouching - Our Solutions

We offer a wide array of real estate and architecture retouching services. You can outsource confidently, availing attractive discounts and keeping the cost of production to the minimum. Major services you can outsource to us include sky replacement, horizon straightening, lawn retouching, grass editing, exposure and lens distortion correction, and removal of dust, garbage, distracting items, and unwanted people and objects.

Removing clutter

Help sellers retain focus on the space rather than distractions with our clutter removing services from rooms and open areas. The property looks clean and organized, and sells faster.

Window view enhancement

Make the property look more appealing with window view retouching and enhancement, which may include brightening the view, adding blue skies and showing picturesque landscape.

Virtual staging

Fill the vacant space with furniture and décor to create ambience and help buyers understand the potential of the space. Rely on our experience to give an adequate touch to the empty space.

Floor plan retouching

Enhance floor plans with our real estate retouching services that include adding colors and labels to the floor plans, and improving overall layout to make the layout look better.

Highlighting property features

Emphasize unique and desirable features of the property with services like texture enhancement, architectural details highlights, and showcase of standout elements of the property.

Virtual renovation

Repair and renovate digitally to make the property flawless and appealing. Among the services included are updating fixtures, changing wall colors, and remodeling key areas.

Our Real Estate Image Editing Portfolio

We maintain a rich profile of our retouching activities across major industry domains. We have served real estate photographers as well as agents, helping them correct exposure and other photographic errors, adjust lights and colors, edit interior and exterior elements, straighten horizon, get rid of wide-angle lens distortion and remove cords and unwanted objects. Our portfolio also includes specimens of sky replacement, photo stitching and photo manipulation.

photo enhancement
Photo enhancement
photo manipulation
Photo manipulation
hdr photo editing
HDR photo editing
photo stitching
Photo stitching
sky replacement
Sky replacement
360 virtual tour
360 Virtual tour

Our Real Estate Photo Editing Clients

Our services suit all who are involved in selling any form of real estate, residential, commercial, apartments, condos, villas and mansions. Our clients include big realtors as well as small and medium-level real estate agents and property dealers. Our services can also benefit real estate photographers with images in bulk to process.

Real estate photographers
Real estate agents
Vacational rental homes

Good Words from Our Clients

Our clients appreciate us for quality, speed and value. We offer real value with our services that include color correction, contrast and light adjustments, reflections removal, lawn enhancement, texture enhancement, noise and blur reduction, perspective correction, day to dusk conversion, window view replacement, ceiling cleaning and enhancing interior and exterior images.

Outstanding real estate retouching! Our property listings look fantastic, attracting more buyers. The enhancements are spot on. Highly recommend their services!

Got Questions on Real Estate Retouching

Get to the bottom of our real estate editing services, learning more about what we do and how we do it. We have collected a few selected frequently asked questions and tried to answer them. If you want to know even more about retouching services and pricing, you can always fill out the order form or contact us directly using our email address. We will be happy to provide you professional assistance.

Our services include lighting adjustment, color correction, unwanted objects removal, and addition of furniture and accessories, to name just a few here.

Yes, we can add sky for an exterior shot and also offer sky replacement service.

The PicsRetouch Difference

We are a team of experienced photo editors who have accomplished many complex real estate retouching jobs. Moreover, we can offer a range of services depending upon the need and budget of a client.

For example, we can offer basic, medium and advanced levels of enhancement, each with a different set of real estate retouching services, to suit the varying needs of our clients.

Free Trial

Ask us for a free sample job and see what we can do for you.

Custom Adjustments

Our workflow typically moves from global changes to local adjustments, to retouching and recoloring of photo.

Manual Editing

We prefer doing things manually using tools like dodge, burn, clone stamp and healing brush.


Masking is an important technique to accomplish selective enhancements and color corrections.

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