clipping path help cut out

How can clipping path help to cut out imperfect portion of picture?

Ansu Man | Nov. 8, 2023 | Categories: Photography | 0 comments

Clipping path is an important feature in Photoshop that helps to create a path with the help of a pen tool, magic wand tool or a lasso tool. It is used for changing the background, creating a vector image or even for color management. Once you create a path, anything that is outside will be cut off when you place the file in Photoshop.

With the advent of digital photography, images now look much better than they actually are in real. Clipping path is one of the most common ways of rectifying or enhancing a photo. Retouchers can remove a messy background or even make a sunrise look much more beautiful than it really is.

Uses of Clipping path

There is no end to creativity and with Photoshop, it has become very easy to learn the art of creativeness. Clipping path feature is best used by professionals who understand the in and out of photo retouching. Let us look at its various uses.

  • Helps in creating a solid outline: If you have an image of a football on a plain white background, the image may not look appealing to the eyes. In order to enhance its look, you can use the Magic Wand Tool and provide a background color thus making the image more prominent.
  • Resolves imperfect image formats: Clipping path helps to resolve imperfect image formats and brighten up a dull looking picture. The retoucher needs to define a shape before removing unwanted objects from the image. Once the shape is decided, unwanted objects can be taken off using any of the tools.
  • Removes unwanted backgrounds: Pen tool is the most common tool used for knocking off unwanted background. It gives a good grip and also an excellent output. Clipping path and background removal can be used synonymously, as the task they perform is the same.
  • Assists in color separation: Multiple clipping path has become common in the ecommerce world as it helps to convert an ordinary image into something extraordinary. It is intended to make the image look attractive and lure customers in buying the same.

Clipping path, also called as background removal forms the basis of Photoshop. It is one of the first thing that is taught to someone who is new to the retouching industry. The retoucher can then decide which tool to use for carrying out the clipping process. Pen tool is considered to be the favorite tool among retouchers. You can try out your expertise using other tools too.

Digital photography has become so common these days that we hardly see any unedited stuffs online. Almost all retailers use Photoshop to enhance images thus making it look attractive and appealing. It has become easy to get rid of unwanted spots, blemishes, scars or other background junk that spoils the photograph.

Clipping path not only helps to cut out imperfect portions of an image, but is also useful to make the image more visible to the eyes. It lays complete focus on the product, thus giving customers a better insight. Get started with clipping path and make your images flawless.

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