master smartphone photography

How to master smartphone photography?

Ansu Man | Feb. 1, 2024 | Categories: Photography | 0 comments

Smartphones have become quite common among all of us. There are hardly anyone not using a smartphone in today’s age. There are numerous benefits of using a smartphone too. To start with, it is handy and easy to carry. It acts as a great alternative to an expensive camera. Lastly, you need not be a photography specialist in order to use a smartphone.

A smartphone can be your best friend and guide with the help of which you can create your own portfolio of photographs. If you have a tight budget and do not wish to spend that extra buck on hiring a photographer, you can use your smartphone and start clicking. If there is DSLR camera in your mobile you can shoot magazine quality photo at very low budget. You may only pay small amount to photoshop fashion retouching specialist.

The art of mastering smartphone Photography

Clicking pictures using your smartphone seems easy, but if your photographs are being used professionally, they have to look their best. A picture is worth a thousand words, therefore it is important for your final output to be flawless and convey the meaning thoroughly. Let us look at some of the basics of smartphone photography.

  1. Clean your phone: The first and foremost step to click perfect pictures is to ensure that your phone’s lens is clean and does not have any scratches. You can use a soft tissue to clean your phone thoroughly.
  2. Maintain consistency: All the photos clicked by a smartphone should be consistent, meaning they should all have the same size. Even if you change the apparel, ensure you use the same mannequin and the same place to click photos.
  3. Use proper lighting: It is important that all your photographs are bright and well-lit. Dull photographs or dim lighting will make your product dull. Proper lighting allows customers to get a better view of your garment.
  4. Use a mannequin or a model: Using a mannequin ensures that you place the apparel in a way that customers can visualize how they would look in real. Flatly placed garments do not bring out the look of being worn and thus might dissuade customers in buying the same.
  5. Focus on the product: Your main focus should be the product and not the background. The background you choose should match with the color of the apparel. Also, avoid using accessories, as doing so would shift the focus from the main product.
  6. Avoid too detailed shots: Although getting into detail is a good habit, but giving out too many details might spoil the show. Giving out just basics such as color, texture, material and brand would suffice.
  7. Read the phone manual: A smartphone has a lot to offer than we can ever expect. High end mobile phones have a lot of good features such as adjusting color, grayscale, red eye removal, brightening a picture and much more. Reading the entire manual would help you use all the features and make your photo better.

Apart from the above mentioned points you also need to do your own homework. Comparing photographs and taking multiple shots would help you choose the best one for uploading pictures online. Photography is all about creativity. Being creative and putting your best foot forward while clicking pictures would attract more and more customers too. Smartphone photography works best with those who have less time and money to invest in a professional photography. So use your smartphone to the fullest and get clicking today! If you fell your photography is not good quality you should contact a professional photo retoucher for editing work.

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